Prossy M. Nansubuga
3 min readApr 4, 2020


Why you should never stop experimenting!

So, I see experimenting as innovating. Think about it!

All those great inventors that changed the world were simply experimenting! Whether it’s Alexander Graham Bell who changed communication by inventing the telephone in 1986 or Thomas Edison in 1878 with his incandescent light bulb.

These guys simply imagined the next big things and brought them to life! Alexander for instance, had been groomed to take care of the family business, yet he cast it and made us lucky by improving interpersonal communication from letters to wireless communication. You owe Alexander a big thank-you for that smartphone you have! You owe Thomas for the bulbs in your houses!

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better- Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was difficult- making choice to quit my job as a news reporter at Chimp Reports. I hadn’t anticipated it that tough to return my journalist ID after two months of service… And it’s not like I had an alternative job instead I plainly felt I could do more with myself and my skills.

And at the time, my friends made it a point to make fun of me, for I had done almost every job there is. I had been a makeup artist(still I’m). I was once a street vendor and farmer. I’ve been an accountant, waitress and now a writer.

However, I’m not embarrassed to have tried out all those positions even when I hit the skids at most. For me, it was pushing myself to reach my highest pontential in life by not playing it safe, but taking risks and trying out stuff.

The beauty of experimenting is getting multi-talented if you haven’t found yourself, yet.

Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless- Thomas Edison

Back to back, we have these big ideas we want to share with the world! We hate our jobs and lack spark in our lives but we can’t try out stuff because we are held back by fear! The fear to lose, the fear not to be good enough, what our friends think and looking stupid. Yet, it’s actually okay to experiment.

For us to grow, we need to get out our comfort zones and get out there. We need to break patterns we’ve created and we can only do that, by trying out things!

Think of it how you want but I quit my reporting job to focus on writing my book. A few people give a fuck about my writing but I don’t care becuase it’s what I want. And as much as it hasn’t yielded significant success right now, I know it will. Because folks, experimenting is taking risks. Either things work out or they don’t! We envision work and don’t get discouraged by criticism let alone failure! Failure is progress. You just do your thing!

Because when you critically visualize,experimentation is in all spheres of life- startups, lifestyles, science, health, fashion, sex and so on. You have a favorite sex position because you tested others and they aren’t better than that! Business people keep quitting their jobs everyday because they are looking for greener pastures. Doctors keep mixing chemicals in hope to find cures of HIV/Aids and COVID-19. That red dress/shirt is your favorite outfit because after flashing your wardrobe, it’s the only thing that looked perfect on you!

Be willing to not only be creative but implement your great idea. Life is an experimentation. When something doesn’t work for you, you try something else. It may not yeild results there and then but you keep trying instead of just sitting back. No one ever makes a change by being like everyone else.

What if Alexander Bell hadn’t invented the telephone? Don’t say someone else would have! I’m saying what if nobody had? Where would we be? So why aren’t you experimenting?

Hypothesize and imagine the next big thing in this world, could be a blog that someone reads and their life is changed, test and send it to significant people, and then monitor and evaluate its progress. If it works, then you’ve found your niche. Otherwise don’t stop experimenting!

After all, nothing changes when nothing changes!



Prossy M. Nansubuga

Ah. Let's say I read a lot, occasionally talk a lot, and often write a lot. But at all times, I try to be a better person. So I hope, my blogs better you too!