Using negative sentiments to your advantage

Prossy M. Nansubuga
2 min readApr 20, 2022


Photo by Tjay Dubya on Pinterest

Growing up, I had a challenging life. Honestly, it used to be a bit humiliating for me to even share and talk about this stuff, but here we are!

It appears that as one grows, sharing becomes easier.

People had opinions about me and how I should live my life, just like the rest of us. I was either too much of this or too less of that…The challenging bit was that I disagreed with most of the opinions and this never sat well with the jury.

Someone needs to break down societal constructs such as “a female should be this,” a male should be that,” “when you grow up in this situation, this is how you are expected to turn out,” and so on.

And so, people accuse us of being overthinkers, overly optimistic, paranoid, and anything else that has had you second-guessing.

However, with careful scrutiny, these “unacceptable traits” are offsprings of the people we are trying to become, and they can be exploited to our benefit.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with overthinking. Books have been written about how to make money simply by thinking. Creatives make huge paychecks just by thinking. You just have to train your mind to overthink productively.

High expectations can drastically alter your life and expose you to places you had never imagined. What happens to the guys who don’t have high hopes? Conformity. Mediocrity. Please add yours.

I’m easily bored. Ordinaries that literally confirm what I already know irritate me. For the most part, getting bored easily is a red flag in relationships; yet, for my work, it is necessary because it helps me scratch and reveal my creativity.

Many things will never make sense to those who do not share your idea of living a meaningful life. Regardless of how tough this is, stay true to yourself and the next time someone says anything meant to hurt you, use this sentiment to your advantage since there’s a reason you’re uniquely you.

Your “weaknesses” could be your greatest strengths. All you have to do is shift your point of view when they show up. Don’t berate yourself; instead, confront them and find a way to use them to your advantage.

Just when the Caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly- Chuang Tzu



Prossy M. Nansubuga

Ah. Let's say I read a lot, occasionally talk a lot, and often write a lot. But at all times, I try to be a better person. So I hope, my blogs better you too!